Technical Guides & Whitepapers
Preventing data exfiltration with SIEM
Preventing Data Exfiltration using SIEM Data exfiltration is the transfer of your sensitive data outside of your organisation’s network. Whether unintentional or malicious, theft of data is a growing threat. An …
NetAlly Tech Tips
NetAlly’s Tech Tips The experts at NetAlly have written a series of very helpful articles on a number of topics. So if you’re in need of a little advice or knowledge on a specific technology, we recommend you t …
Why don’t we turn APs to full power?
Network Troubleshooting Wireless Edition Why don’t we turn all the Access Points to full power? There are quite a few things in WiFi which seem confusing. And one of the ones at the top of the list is: Why can’ …
Learn all about the WiFi 6/6E standard
Learn all about WiFi 6/6E With the approval of the IEEE standard 802.11ax, also known as WiFi 6/6E, and the use of the 6GHz band, there’s new information to learn. NetAlly have written a Tech Brief that provide …
10 Useful Apps to add to your NetAlly Android Tool
10 Useful Apps to add to your NetAlly Android Tool When you buy a NetAlly LinkRunner G2, LinkRunner 10G or EtherScope nXG there’s an Android O/S powering everything, which means you can add Apps to your tools. …
Top 8 Packet Capture Use Cases
Top 8 Packet Capture Uses Packet Captures have always been a part of the network engineer’s tool set. Continue reading to delve deeper into packet captures and, but here are the top reasons people use them. Wha …
Understanding the 4 types of Wireless Survey
Why are there 4 different types of wireless survey? Carrying out a wireless survey has become the default starting point in investigating wireless issues or designing a new network. However, there are actually …
Network Troubleshooting?
Network Troubleshooting? This is an often-used phrase but means many different things, so here we discuss these options and hopefully point you to the next move you need to make. First question: What do you mea …
Fluke Networks fibre tools make everyone a fibre expert
Fibre Optic Cabling Reference Guide Fibre optic cabling is key in modern data networks, but becoming an expert in the technology can be a challenge. Fluke Networks help by offering easy to use OTDR and certific …
Why do wireless issues always begin with a live survey?
Why do wireless issues always begin with a live survey? Full Control whitepaper When users complain of poor wireless coverage, the standard first move is always to survey the area where the complaint is. Why is …
How accurate is your WiFi survey?
How accurate is your WiFi survey? Beware the results Full Control Whitepaper When we’re troubleshooting wireless or looking to improve a current installation, we typically start with a wireless survey. However …
The Problem with 160MHz wide Wireless channels
The Problem with 160MHz wide Wireless channels and the new 6.0GHz band Full Control Whitepaper The biggest requirement driving wireless technology forward is the quest for greater speed. One way of achieving th …
Protection from devices that rarely visit the office
Protect the network from devices that rarely visit your office Over the last few years there has been a slow but steady increase in the use of 802.1X and Network Access Control technologies to secure corporate …
Can my cabling support Multi-Gigabit speeds?
Can my cabling support Multi-Gigabit speeds? 1, 2.5, 5.0 & 10Gbps Full Control Whitepaper One guarantee in networking is the belief that “if in doubt, go faster”! It’s a tactic that’s been working for years …
Beware the use of @ in SNMP Community Strings
Beware the use of @ in SNMP Community Strings Despite 25 years of working in IT, there are always things you come across late in the day and realize you have seen this issue before without understanding it corr …
Why is wireless roaming such a lottery?
Why do some devices stick to one AP and not roam? One of the biggest issues with wireless over the last 10 years is that devices don’t seem to use all the Access Points in your network, often remaining connecte …
Why is my network running slow?
The network is running slow conundrum ..or maybe you’re not measuring the right things? We’ve all heard it shouted across the office, “the network’s running slow again”. It seems to be the catch all for many an …
Fibre Test & Troubleshooting Handbook
Fibre Test & Troubleshooting Handbook Request your FREE PRINTED copy of the Fibre Test & Troubleshooting Handbook from Fluke Networks. This comprehensive, 44-page handbook is a great how-to resource for …
Why is Wireless Performance So Confusing?
Why is Wireless Performance So Confusing? A widespread frustration with Wireless is that two people can be in the same room, at the same time, with the same type of device … and have completely different wire …
Modern Problems with Fibre Networks Whitepaper
Modern Problems with Fibre Networks Whitepaper Introduction One of the modern issues with fibre cabling is the growing number of types of MultiMode cable out there, creating a knowledge gap on the differences b …
How Do You Monitor a Hosted Application?
How Do You Monitor a Hosted Application? With the rise in hosted applications there is an increasing need to understand how well these applications are being delivered to the users. The challenge begins with th …
Can I use a laptop for packet capture?
Can I use a laptop for packet capture? The most popular packet capture solution in the world is WireShark. It’s no coincidence that it’s free, but it is also quite capable. Even the more expensive analysers wit …
Wireless networking: Which tool?
Wireless networking: Which tool? Due to the growth of wireless networking there follows a growth in support calls, blame and projects to make wireless “work better”. There are a number of tools in the market pl …
Fibre Cleaning & Inspection
Fibre Cleaning & Inspection With many fibres installed long before they’re used or new ones just out of the bag, it’s tempting to plug in and go, but actually the correct move is a proper clean first. The F …
Wireless Performance : Too many APs!
Wireless Performance : Too many APs! Our network engineer wrote a paper a few years ago about the issue of having too many APs in your network and how this actually slows you down. At heart this issue was APs o …

Fibre cable testing: Your options
Fibre cable testing: Your options As network speeds increase, so does the importance of the light loss on your key fibre links. Scroll down to read more about the different ways of testing fibre. Fibre Cleaning …

Copper cable tester: Your options
Copper cable tester: Your options Companies expect their twisted pair cabling to work flawlessly, but unfortunately that isn’t always the case. For a number of reasons, the network can go down causing huge prob …

Which Network TAP for me?
Which Network TAP for me? Getting data from your network and into your monitoring and security tools is just as important as the tools themselves, it can also be one of the most challenging tasks. Using network …

Managing LAN and WAN bandwidth
Managing LAN & WAN Bandwidth One of the most popular questions people ask the network team is “Are we running out of bandwidth?” closely followed by “Is there a bottleneck?”. This is more likely with regard …

How to pick the right Network support tool?
How to pick the right Network support tool? There are a lot of network, LAN, WAN, wireless and cabling support tools on the market. They all want your money and may claim to do everything you need. So how do yo …