Message for owners of a Fluke Networks OneTouch or a Netscout OneTouch NetAlly, the current owners of the OneTouch product line, have just announced End of Support dates for the OneTouch AT G2 and 10G models. Support ends for 1TG2-1500, 1TG2-3000 & 1TG2-3000-MOD on 30 …
NetAlly launch Loyalty Program – get an extra Year of Support
Promotion for loyal customers who buy a new NetAlly product Calling all existing customers! If you have one of these legacy tools.. and you buy a new tool with Support.. NetAlly will give you another year of Support for FREE! Step 1: If you own …
Fluke Networks, Netscout and now NetAlly!
There’s a new name in town, but it’s founded on a long history of network troubleshooting. First you knew them as Fluke Networks, when they introduced the LANMeter to the market back in the mid 90s. Then Netscout acquired their product group and turned them …